Friday, September 10, 2010

Sorry for being behind on blogging! The past few days nothing to exciting still, but more exciting than the past few weeks. I had a job yesterday, it was for 3 Magazine, just some local type magazine here. It was a makeup spread type deal, we did two looks and then different shots for application, how to apply the eyeshadow etc. My days have still been filled with the gym, as per usual, fun hey? Last night I went with Christine, an agent at my agency, and 5 other models to this performance of High School Musical. The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts put it on, it was the premier night! Christine has connections, so she got us tickets through that, we were third row, it was sweet! It was all in english and all of the people were non asians, so it wasn't like some cheesy remake like all of the tv shows here... haha! It was quite entertaining and was actually much better than I expected to be! It was basically the movie, but some parts cut out obviously, it was just a great time. After that we all went out to this mexican restaurant and hung out for a bit, then headed home. Today I went grocery shopping and hit the gym (again). I also found out I booked this job for Cathay Pacific Airlines! It is a print job, just in Hong Kong I believe, but I was still pretty excited about it! The shoot is on the 20th. Tomorrow nothing is going on, so I probably won't blog because I doubt there will even be anything interesting to write about! But Sunday Joe and Judy are taking me to some place, Sai Wan or something like that, I'm not exactly sure of the name. Anyway, they are taking me there for the day I believe and then to some restaurant there for seafood that is apparently really good. So that should be a lovely eventful day! Oh one thing I forgot to mention before, the other night there was a huuuuuuge thunderstorm! It was thundering really really loud and the lightning was crazy! It was also pouring rain quite hard as well. Kind of scary actually, it was just wild, don't think i've ever heard a thunderstorm like that one before! Anyways, thats all for today, I'll probably have some stuff to talk about after Sunday occurs, so check back then!

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