Thursday, February 3, 2011

Okay to start where I left off.. After Friday came Saturday, which I was sick, all day. I left the apartment to go get juice and water twice, then the rest of the day was spent in bed, wasn't doing so hot! Fortunately the illness, whatever it was only lasted a day and I was doing a bit better Sunday. I decided the cause to this sickness was the ritual of Courtney being in a foreign country for 1 month. Every place I have gone to so far, I have gotten sick 1 month in. Not sure why, but it happens! Anyway, Saturday passed and Sunday came, I went out to Brandie and Myrons and spent the day/night with them. We went to go see a movie called Gullivers Travels or something like that, it was actually pretty funny! Oh yes, one thing about the movie theaters here, not only can you get regular popcorn with butter and salt, you can also get caramel corn, bbq and cheese popcorn! Yum!! After the movie we went and had supper, went back to their place and hung out a bit and then I came back to the apartment. Monday I can't remember what I did, so I'm going to skip this day.. Tuesday morning I had to wake up at 6:30 to be at a job for 8. The job was for a travel magazine thats new to Thailand, there have only been 4 issues so far. Cool thing about this is that... I'm going to be on the cover!!! woohooooo, my first cover! Its just a small magazine, but who cares, thats friggin sweeet!! I'll also be on the inside as well, so that will be cool. We shot with a Porsche as well :D I'll put a picture below when this is done! Wednesday was another job, for another magazine, but it was beauty shots this time, so makeup and hair. The concept for this one was that I was in the sun etc etc. They made me tanned!! What the heck right? Thai people LOOOVE white skin, so I was confused as to what this concept was about.. Anyway, they used makeup to make me looked tanned, which was fairly odd.. I'll put another picture of this, your gonna flip.. I look like a guido from Jersey Shore I swear, regarding my fake tan and such. So that was an interesting shoot! Wednesday night I booked a massage at a spa called Urban Retreat. It was a four hand oil massage, which was 2 massage therapists massaging me at the same time. It was so cool and was really relaxing! Thursday, today, I had a fitting for my commercial that I am shooting on Saturday and Sunday! It is for Walls ice cream. Walls is the brand. I had to be there at 9, and I was there until about 130, then had to go to a casting, then went back to the fitting again! The shoot is going to be flippin craaaaazy! It involves me in a harness, which is attached to a crane, which will lift me 20 feet or so in the air! There is also a water slide/slip and slide involved, an unknown amount of H20 aka water, a what I believe will be an imaginary fruit tornado on set, but a "real" one in the commercial and probably many more wild activities! I am afraid of heights, so this whole harness situation is going to force me to get over that.. Tomorrow I go for the rehearsal for the commercial, to test out the harness and get used to it so I don't flip my lid or pee my pants on shooting day! hahaha. Thats Friday so after that is Saturday and Sunday, which both days I will be shooting the commercial. There are 3 different flavours of this popsicle/ice cream situation so I will be eating ice cream all day! Sounds yummy now, but I'm sure by the end of the day I will never want to look at it again (which probably isn't a bad thing ;) ). Monday will be my first day off, so I will be sleeping in and relaxing, hopefully only one or two castings so I won't have to do much! Before I end this never ending post I have a few Thailand interesting stories:

1. I was in a taxi the other day, when a car pulled up beside us. The driver had a child sleeping on him.. This child was like 5 or 6 years old I'm pretty sure and his head was on the drivers (probably the dad) shoulder, his body being against the dads and then legs straddling the dads lap (classic child holding position). Anyway, what the heck right? There was a mother or a woman in the passenger seat, so the child couldn't sleep there? Or how about the safest route, IN HIS OWN SEAT IN THE BACK?!

2. I was at the gym today, two things I saw. First being a girl on the elliptical with her hair down. Uhhh yea hi, your at the gym, no need to keep your flowing locks down, put em up I suggest, otherwise your gonna sweat like crazy and you wont look as pretty as you probably hoped.. Second: a girl running on the treadmill, not only was her hair down, but she was talking on her cellular device. Uhhhh how about turn down the treadmill to a walking pace if your going to talk on your phone, or don't talk on your phone at all? Interesting gym behaviour I thought.

That's about all I got for now, check the pictures below from descriptions above.

Interesting huh? I can say it does look better when the whole look was complete. With the hair done, the eye makeup etc. But that this point it was just odd..

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