Thursday, February 10, 2011

So lets see whats on the agenda for today:
1. Friday: rehearsal for Walls TVC job
2. Saturday + Sunday = Shooting Walls TVC job
3. Monday until present events

From the top, number one, Friday. Friday I had to go to one of the job sites to do a rehearsal with a couple of the harnesses, just so I could be used to them and they could figure out where they needed to cut the dresses to hide the harness. I had a casting for UOB bank in Singapore first, and then at 3pm I went and did the rehearsal. There were 2 harnesses, one for me to lay on, on my back and another to lay on, on my stomach. It was like a metal piece covered in foam and then a strap that went around my waist area. The motion was diagonal, like I was going down a slide. And I was moved by human power. The harness I was in was attached to some wires, which were being pulled by however many men there were pulling them! So they controlled my speed, the direction I went, if I turned etc. After Friday is Saturday, which was day 1 of the job. I had to be at the place for 6am, so I arrived and started my hair and makeup. We started shooting at 8am. Saturday was mostly all the stuff on the ground. So the scenes where I walk out of the office building, realize how hot it is outside, am uncomfortable from the heat, see the fruit stand and become excited by the refreshing fruit, walk over to the fruit stand, go to touch the fruit, (the fruit peels back and out comes the popsicle), I react to this happening, me jumping out out of the tornado, walking away and the one shot not on the ground, eating the popsicle and then being pulled away into the fruit tornado. The last part was so cool! They brought in this huge crane, which they attached this bar type thing to. Then the put me in a harness that was around my hips/thighs, attached the wires to each side of my hips and then man powered again, they pulled me and shot me up into the air, about 20 feet! It was so much fun! I thought I would be scared, as I am afraid of heights, but totally the opposite, it was sooo much fun, I didn't want to stop taping this scene! We finished at around 7pm, so that makes 13 hours of shooting. The next day was the 2nd day of shooting, starting again at 6am. This day was at a different location, in a large studio, having everything infront of a green screen. This day there were 2 harnesses (the ones discussed from the rehearsal) and 2 water slides! Each slide had 3 different covers, one for each fruit, watermelon, passionfruit and lychee. So they would change the cover depending on which fruit we were taping for. They even colored the water to correspond to the fruit to make it look like the juice from the fruit! It was pretty cool. Sunday I was basically in water all day, talk about one chilly day! There was a smaller slide and a larger one, the larger one they had to attache a harness to me to control my speed going down the slide, and when I got to the bottom they would just drag me back up! Sunday took much much longer.. we shot for 21 hours, making "the wrap" at 3am. One long day for sure! By the end I was exhausted!! I spent all Monday sleeping and watching House in bed, I was so so so tired! Even Tuesday I was still exhausted! Tuesday and Wednesday I didn't do much, one casting each day and then not much the rest of the days, still really tired from the weekend! Today I came out to Myron and Brandies house and went to Kalista's play that her grade put on, Alice in Wonderland. It was really good! I am still here, staying the night, then if I have nothing tomorrow probably most of the day tomorrow as well! All in all it was a busy week and weekend and I just want to sleep forever! Thats about all I have/can remember for now, anything I remember or any new events come up I'll let you know tomorrow or some day after this!

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