Yesterday wasn't that interesting as I was so so tired, didn't have a very good sleep. My day consisted of nothing until about 7:30, then I had to go meet an agent that is here from Tokyo. I got to the place and I wasn't given a room or floor number, so before I just assumed that it was just a one roomed place, like a store or something. But I got there and there was another model waiting there from the same agency that I am with. She had already been there for half an hour and the security guard doing the reception stuff didn't know who we were looking for. So we pretty much didn't know what to do, as it was both of our mother agents (agents from back home) that sent us to meet his agent from Tokyo. Finally the security guard found the guys name and we went up to the room, it was a hotel. We did our casting, didn't take very long and then left. After that I came back to the apartment and did nothing. What an exciting day huh? But I do have some interesting points:
1. I was on the mtr, the train, to go to the place where the agent in Tokyo was, and this lady was holding onto the pole and her nails were soooo long!! Especially her thumb, it was kind of gross.. haha. All of her nails were uneven, probably because they got long, then broke off at random times..
2. At the casting I had to fill out this sheet saying my mother agency, my name, blah blah blah, and it asked me for my "real age" opposed to my fake one?
3. I have seen a few more look alikes.. Its really weird seeing these people, because when I spot them, all I can do is stare, first to figure out who it is that it looks like and second because its like "Oh my gosh, its the asian version of (insert whoevers name)"
4. My iPhone is just delightful, I thoroughly enjoy it
5. Castings are going slowly this past week, hopefully it'll pick up soon
6. My one roommate eats McDonalds pretty much everyday and is still really really skinny, WHAT THE HECK?! Also just to throw in there, she doesn't go to the gym, neither of them do I don't think. Ummmm if I ate McDonalds everyday and didn't work out, I would get large quick. Even if I did go to the gym and ate it everyday I'd still probably get large fast! Talk about unfair!
7. Another thing on the food palate for my roommates: chocolate. All the time. Chocolate bar wrappers on the table and in the garbage everyday, maybe more than once in a day. Hi, can I please eat like this and still be as thin as them? Where does it all go?! And no, I don't think they have eating disorders, because neither of them go to the bathroom to puke or anything after they eat, I would be able to hear if they did too.
8. It's really loud here. Any type of motorized vehicle feels they need to honk all the time. If the light turns green, lets honk, even if the person in front is going already. If there is a pedestrian, when the walking light is flashing (so pedestrians are still able to go at this point), lets honk, because thats a great idea. They just lay on their horns too, not just a quick one honk, its a I'm going to literally lay on my horn and never get off. Like relax people!
9. Number 8 brings me to my next point, they seem to be impatient because of this whole get going hurry up on the road thing, but walking, MAN ARE THEY SLOW. These people walk at the slowest pace you have ever seen. It is unbelievable. They are slower than the oldest turtles in the world, walking through peanut butter, my gosh. It's the worst when your in a rush, but everyone infront of you is walking at -10 km/h. You really have to learn to weave your way through the sea of people!
10. I don't have a 10th one, so I will leave it at that.
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