Okay so this week was so so so slow, I had barely any castings, so I did pretty much nothing all week, which means nothing interesting and/or exciting happened. The usual eat, sleep, workout, walk around, etc etc is what my days were filled with. I do however have some interesting points to throw out there:
1. Rubber boots are a huge fashion here, people wear them as normal shoes and there are shoe stores that sell only rubber boots!
2. I almost got ran over by a bike yesterday, I was crossing the road at a crosswalk, when the walking sign was on and this bike came the direction of the vehicles and just flew by, almost taking me out. I put my hand out and almost knocked him over.. if he fell it would of been his fault, he shouldn't have been going against all the walking people!
3. Last night for supper we went to a seafood restaurant. There was a pregnant lady there and she was eating fish and seafood. I thought pregnant people were supposed to eat that?
4. Joe and Andy took me to this big computer fair that comes every year for a week or something. It was flippin huuuuuge! Like large building/hall/event center thing and it was just filled with endless booths that were selling usb keys, tv's, computers, printers, ink, cell phones. Pretty much anything to do with technology was there. Ooh and while we were there, we saw this fake imitation iPhone 4, it looked almost identical to the real thing, it was so weird. They have lots of that here, like imitation technologies. They had ones for iPods as well as iPads, those ones were called "iRobot". Also while we were there, I seen a pair of headphones that were about $500 canadian! What the heck!
5. I discovered that the pop cream soda here is not pink in color. It is the color of ginger ale with a slight green color, but not to much. It is not as dark as ginger ale, a bit lighter. The can it comes in is green and silver, just like a ginger ale one too! It was weird because I tried it and I was expecting a different taste, something like ginger ale, but it tasted exactly the same as cream soda does at home!
6. I am shocked at how people survive in the weather here. It is so flippin hot all the time! I wear shorts and a tank top and I am just dying, but then I see people everywhere wearing jeans or pants and a long sleeve and they don't even seem to be phased by it! It is crazy! You think you would look at them and they would be sweating like on their face and stuff, but nope. Just normal, as if its not hot out at all!
7. What ladies wear to the gym is hilarious. Many of them have these spandex pants, but like bell bottoms to the max. Its tight as normal spandex pants are around the thighs, but then at the knees it flares out lots, like for real bell bottoms. They also get like really bright colored things and matching tops and bottoms as well.
8. That is all for today, tomorrow is the day I go to watch the FIVB World Grand Prix!!!! Yaaaaay!!! :)
Ok..who told you that you couldn't eat fish or seafood while you were pregnant..I know it wasn't me!!
ReplyDeleteOh really? I thought that was like a rule, maybe I just made that up? hahah