Okay so since I last blogged a bit has occurred over here, so I'll fill you in. First, I had a job on the 25 and 26, it was a fashion show. There were 8 of us girls, all from the same agency. We thought it was for clothing, but when we got there it turns out it was for jewelry. It was at some Gem and Jewel fair that is held at this big convention center thing. We arrived at 7am on the 25, the show not starting until 130.. what the heck right? Long story short, they made us rehearse a ridiculous amount of times, and made it way way more complicated than it needed to be. They gave us all name tags (mine being spelt "Coutney"). We basically had to teach them what they wanted instead of them teaching us. They had us all color coated and drew it out on a board and everything, but when it came to teaching us, apparently they were clueless! So we basically figured it out on our own. There was a lot of waiting around to say the least! The jewelry we had to wear was a different story.. Not to be mean, but this is going to be mean, it was all fairly unattractive.. many of the pieces looked very outdated and sort of like costume jewelry, not what I expected at a huge jewelry convention fair thing. Anyway that was 2 days, one show on the 25 and 2 on the 26, by the end of it all of us were going crazy! The people were very unorganized and were getting on everyones nerves. Oh did I forget to mention that there was only 1 hair stylist and 1 makeup artist. 8 girls. They started doing hair and makeup about 2.5 hours before the show is supposed to start. Picture how that went.... Girls had to start doing their own makeup because we wouldn't of all finished in time! Talk about a slight mistake in the pre-show preparation. 1 makeup artist and hair stylist for 8 girls doesn't exactly work out so great! After the show on the 26, I went to ISB, where the International Food Fair was! The food was great! Soo good. Beaver tails were great, so was the poutine, apple pie etc etc.. I probably ate more than I should of, but it was so good who can stop? I spent Saturday and Sunday there, just hanging out as per usual. I don't know if I mentioned in previous blogs or not, but they got a new dog! His name is Leo, so so so cute! He is a chow chow, purple tongue and all! He is somewhere between 2 and 4 months old and he is so fluffy! They are only little for a short time though, they grow to be quite large dogs! On Monday I had another job. It was for one of the or the biggest department store in Thailand. CentralPlaza is the name. There are Central malls in cities across Thailand, Central also being the name of the department store inside. So me and another model did this ad for the "Summer Trend Update" together. We shot at the mall in a vintage furniture store, which was pretty cool! The ad should be coming out at the end of March, so once I receive it, the rest of you can take a look! Yesterday I didn't do anything, either than decide that I want to go home. I was originally supposed to go to Hong Kong after here, but I decided I don't want to anymore, I would rather just go home, so once Sunday rolls around I'll be heading back to the cold, freezing temperatures of Canada! (obviously that being the downside, along with the year long plane ride to get there!). Im so excited to be coming home though! Today I went to the agency and finalized all my expenses and all that jazz, tomorrow I have to go back to do a final casting video, one for basically everything and anything (skin care, lotion, drink and who knows what else). They want to do it so that when I'm at home they can send the certain video to clients and then can direct book me! Friday I have my last job before I leave. After Friday I will be able to say I have appeared in 2 music videos, thats the job, another music video! I don't think it's for the same band, but I'm sure it will be something similar. Saturday I plan on going to Brandie and Myron's for one last time and then Sunday morning I leave to go home! I don't know what time my plane leaves from here to Hong Kong, but I leave Hong Kong at 1230 in the afternoon and I will arrive in Edmonton sometime after 2:30 pm. Just a short 2 hour flight! NOT. Forgot to mention that I will be going 14 hours back in time, I'm basically just a time traveller, no big deal. I guess I'll get 2 Sunday March 6's, instead of 1! Lucky me. A couple of things to mention before I end this huge blog entry:
1. In Canada we have Colossal mascara, in the yellow tube. Here, its the same brand, same tube everything, but it's called Magnum, not Colossal. Weird right?
2. I used a payphone the other day and put in the 5 baht it asked for. After I hung up the phone, it gave me back the money I didn't use! I thought that was kind of cool. In Canada, if I am re-calling correctly, you put in your 50 cents or whatever and thats it, you lose the whole thing, don't get any of it back.
3. A huge fad I noticed here are these nose inhaler things. I don't really know the purpose of them, if it clears your nose or if it smells nice or both or non of the above.. But so many people here have them! I always see people taking these little things out of their pockets and putting it up to each nostril. Odd right?
4. I am in a taxi today, I look over, a man driving a car, in the passenger seat his wife (I assume) with a child in her lap! Uhhhh I do think that is illegal? Does every person not have to have their own seat. WTF is all I can say basically. I feel this is thoroughly unsafe for your child, especially considering the driving here is ridiculously crazy! Weaving in and out of traffic, lots of traffic all the time, people cutting you off, people ignoring speed limits (if there are any), taxi drivers that do not know how to drive a standard (terrible shifting technique, really jerky and just bad). Note to mother and father of this child: put the kid in the back seat where he belongs, with his own seatbelt!
5. Taxi's don't have seatbelts, only the front seats do. DANGEROUS. As you would have read above, the driving is unlike anything you've seen or experienced in Canada, it is mega wild and dangerous and any other word similar. Which brings up the question, why the no seatbelt? I feel like there is a definite need for them here! Also because the accident rate is probably like 8 out of 10 cars. Who knows, but I feel like it should be that high, seriously.
6. Last but not least, I went to MBK today, a large mall here. I bought to phone cases for my phone, one that looks like a shoe (has the laces and everything) and a hello kitty one (obviously a classic buy for someone in my position). Clearly both purchases that needed to be made. I mean I love shoes, I have many pairs, so why not buy one for my phone? And I'm Asian, which brings on the stereotype of the love of Hello Kitty, which is true in my case, sooo yea I'll post them below!
The jewelry fashion show my name spelled wrong as well as our lovely outfits and jewelry...

This one is from the Central job
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