Alright, so today started with me waking up at about 6:30am, how wonderful. I talked to Kallie for a while on skype and then talked to my mom for a bit, then got ready and went to the agency as my phone wasn't working. I discovered it wasn't working because there was no money on the prepaid card! So I went over to 7-11 and filled the sim card up and then surprise surprise, it actually worked! After that I just hung out at the agency for a bit, waited for my booker, Pluem, to arrive so I could find out if I had any castings today. She arrived and said I had no castings, but gave me a map to one, just in case the client decided they wanted to see me. So later on, she texted me and told me to go to the casting, then to go to the agency after to do a few castings there. The first casting was for chocolate, then the ones at the agency were for Polo clothing, one for skin care and one for hair. I'm hoping maybe this time around I will book a hair job, as my hair was to short last time! The first casting was down all of these smaller roads, not that close to a main road where I would need to get to, to catch a taxi. So after I finished, I started to walk the direction I thought was the right way to get back to the main road. As I am walking, I hit a road that only turns right, so walking straight ahead would be into a wall. But not just a wall was standing there, of course, my favorite, two stray dogs were hanging out there. As I got closer and closer I am trying not to get scared, as last years encounter wasn't so much fun.. The closer I get, the dogs both just stand there and stare at me, I stare back (probably not a good idea on my part), then suddenly they start to bark. Instantly I am thinking "OH SHIT" and slightly panic, but they are still stationary and not running toward me. So panicking, I look back and see a guy coming on a moped type motorcycle thing, so I wave him down to ask if I am going the right direction to a taxi. Eventually I get to where I need to, with no attacks from any dogs! After all of this, it was about 5:30, so I went over to one of my favorite cafes nearby and ate supper, then just went back to the apartment to chill for awhile. I went on my computer for a bit and messed around and then started to download one of the Harry Potter movies, but while it was downloading I fell asleep, which I was trying hard not to do because I want to sleep the whole night, which means not waking up at 6:30am! What can you do though? So I woke up at 8:50 and slightly got angry at myself for falling asleep, but nothing I can do about it now! I got up and waited for my mom to come on Skype, which was not to long after. Before I end this, just a few tid bits of info about Bangkok..
1. Most of the traffic lights have timers on them. Beside the light is a thing that shows you how much longer the red light will last or how much longer the green light will last. Sometimes its up to 200 seconds, which means 3 minutes and 20 seconds. I'm not a fan of this, because I feel when you watch the seconds go by, it takes way longer!
2. I bought some watermelon, papaya and pineapple today, they took the skin or whatever you wanna call the outer shell thing off and they also cut it up for me. Wanna know how much it cost? About 99 cents Canadian!
3. Last but not least, the taxi from my casting back to my apartment was about a 45 minute ride, but only cost me about $3.47. Don't think you could ever say that in Canada now could you?
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