Alright so I'm a tad behind on this whole blogging keeping people up to date situation.. but I have lots of stories now!
First off, castings have been keeping me quite busy the last week, which is a good thing, but hopefully some of them will turn into bookings real soon! I finished fairly early all week which was nice, making me home for dinner time. I also got clean makeup brushes two days in a row....this is almost unheard of in Bangkok I swear! I casted for everything, clothing companies, shampoo, detergent, cereal drinks, property jobs, etc etc etc. Lucky me I have apparently come to the age where I look like I could be a mother.... I probably went and auditioned for atleast 3-4 mother roles this week, what the heck right? My thought "uhhhmmm hi, I'm 19.... this 6 year old child you are putting me with makes me pregnant at the age of...." you get the point. Anyway, the mother role has come upon me and apparently I'm good at it, according to the thai people running the castings..good for me I suppose. I booked my first job, which is for some kind of motorbike not really sure what brand or anything yet. In the casting I had to pretend to drive a boat, so not quite sure how this will all fit together.. I definitely did not think I would book this job, but it always happens that the ones you don't think you'll get, BAM it's yours!
Okay enough about that side... now more about the bangkok taxi experiences I have been so lucky to be in.
Lets start off with this one, la dee da dee daaa, courtney is in a taxi, going from one casting to another. All of a sudden something (such as a mosquito) bites her leg, so she swats at it (classic move when a mosquito bites you). She then looks down to realize it was a cockroach.. WTF RIGHT! I basically threw up multiple times consecutively in my mind after realizing it was a roach not a mosquito. WHY THE (insert bad word) IS THERE A COCKROACH IN THIS TAXI?! I don't have the answer to that, but that's what you are probably thinking and it is definitely what I was thinking.. gross. Now that the gross story is out of the way.. I spotted a lovely A&W while driving in this same taxi, curious I googled bangkok A&W just to see what the menu was like. They have waffle sandwiches!! Weird right? So basically it's a chicken sandwich, but instead of bun, you get waffle! Seriously check out the bangkok A&W website if you're's interesting. Ahhhh yes, now onto the music. Most times taxi drivers play thai radio stations, which is completely understandable as they are thai. Sometimes if you are lucky they realize you yourself are not thai, so they change it to the english or american radio station. The only issue is that the music is not completely up to date sometimes.. example 1: Venga Boys and Mariah Carey Christmas music? Both issues, as I'm pretty sure the Venga Boys were "cool" in my elementary years and it's January, so Christmas won't be coming for another 11.5 months (making it much to early to play the music). Example 2: thai acoustic versions of every popular upbeat song Canada/America has to offer. Enough said. Last but definitely not least of the good ol' thai taxi stories. The radio is on, I'm just chillin, waiting to get to my destination and on comes an ad for scented shoe laces... interesting on it's own even before the scents are announced. Here comes the good part, bubble gum (classic), cotton candy (not bad), bacon and eggs (wtf....), pickles (well thats gross). Yep, I'm not even lying, and they even said "it even comes in pickle!!" all excited and everything.... I might have to find these gems and see how they turn out.....
So this entry is coming to an end, but not before I tell you about my Terminal 21 experience! Terminal 21 is a new mall here in BKK, opened a couple months ago. Me and my cousins took a gander there on Saturday and it was AWESOME! Each floor (terminal) is a different destination, tokyo, istanbul, rome, hollywood, san fran, etc. Very very neat, I will definitely take some photos next time I go! That's really all I have to say about that, but I'm sure I can conjure up some more awesome stories from it by round 2 of the Terminal shopping experience.
Ta ta for now, it's been a slice!